Hyatt Centric

Hospitality, Lifestyle

In the Hyatt Centric Shanghai, Red Design has pioneered Asia’s premier lifestyle-focused hotel. Situated beside the iconic Zhongshan Park, which in the 1920s served as an East-meets-West playground for the rich and famous, this project pays homage to its historic location down to the finest detail, exemplifying our firm’s expertise in immersive, story-led design.

Our challenge was transforming an outdated hotel into a vanguard of modern hospitality, a place that nods to its international roots, while inviting both locals and guests to mingle and absorb the ambience.

经过Red Design的精心打造,上海凯悦尚萃酒店成为亚洲首屈一指的注重生活方式的酒店典范。该项目坐落于上海地标中山公园旁,这座公园在1920年代曾是东西方文化交汇的繁华舞台,吸引了无数财富巨擘和社会名流。本项目在每一个细节上都在向那段辉煌的历史致敬,充分彰显了我们公司在营造沉浸式体验以及以故事为主导的叙事性设计领域的卓越专长。



Shanghai, China



Seth Powers & Jonathan Leijonhufvud